On The European’s Obsession with the Far East

The Far East has been very prevalent in the popular culture of the west since at least the 1800s, and present for hundreds of years before that. Exotic philosophies and other cultural and material exports made their way to Europe for hundreds of years with little issue. Although any multiculturalism deserves caution and moderation, there is something to be said for earlier movements of Far East obsession in that they took elements of Eastern culture and adapted them to be more palatable to the Western psyche. Take English teatime for example:

Although the drink itself is Eastern in origin, it would be difficult to argue that English teatime is anything but English. Some would even go so far as to argue that teatime is integral to English culture. Teatime was only the beginning of the Eastern obsession, however.

Some obsessive movements went even further, with the French art movement of Japonisme, which sought to imitate what it perceived to be a traditional Japanese art style.

But even here, we see a vitally French breath of life in the art, a European face, and a comparatively sobering self-consciousness at the obvious differences between the two cultures. The artist clearly realized they were French, not Japanese. Although Japonisme was unhealthy to the European spirit in that it was innately multiculturalist and openly imitative of Eastern culture, it was worlds saner than the level of delusion we see with regards to the East today.

What we see today is not a mere admiration from afar of a culture, while firmly seated in our home culture. What we see is a people robbed of their own culture, told that their culture is outmoded, obsolete, and even nonexistent. However, the folkish spirit of the European persists even through the brainwashing, and so those people go in search of a culture, blood, and nationalism that they can support with their natural pride.  For most of those people, that new culture becomes Japan. Stripped of their own culture, these disendowed Europeans convince themselves that they can assimilate into the culture of their choice. However, in so doing, they ignore the obvious issue of race.

Something isn’t quite right here…

This is harmful to all parties involved. Rather than contributing to a brighter future for Europe and her peoples, these brainwashed Europeans head off to Japan or Korea to live parasitic lifestyles in countries that have no desire to harbor them. Most often, these Europeans become language teachers on the government’s dime, make barely enough to survive, and receive constant scorn from both their students and the host society at large. In many cases, these people end up committing miscegeny with the local populace, mistakenly believing that their offspring will be accepted into Asian society. (They are not, they are instead excluded from both Asian and European societies, and denied any lineage at all. Cruelty!)

But why? Why do good young Europeans head off to Asia to be ostracized for the rest of their lives? The answer is simple. While Europe is having every trace of culture or nationalism stomped on by malevolent governments, Asia’s culture is allowed to flourish unabashed. Asians still proudly tell tales of their warrior past, participate in centuries-old art forms, worship their ancestral gods, and participate in unashamed nationalism. These are precisely the elements which speak most deeply to the European folk. A naturally nationalist European who buys into the brainwashing leveled at them, and fails to examine their own people’s past, will inevitably find themselves in East Asia, bewildered at the fact that they feel no brotherhood with the Asian people.

This phenomenon deserves to be treated with scorn, as it’s acting as a brain drain on the European nationalist movement. Instead of allowing the fascination with the Asian culture to overtake our peers, we need to instead build up and revitalize our own European culture, to make it as bright, magnetic, and invigorating as it once was. We need to make the dry basin of traditional European art, culture, literature, and pagan religion overflow once more. If we do so, the people who know feel so drawn to the alienation of East Asia will instead feel pride in their own blood, in their own lands. When we manage to draw these productive minds back from distant lands, we will have won most of the battle.

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